China Patent Forum

China Patent Forum

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公告 公告: 博派开通公共账号,用户名:guest 密码:111111 以方便大家发言 tanjie 2013-5-16    
[Others] a translation problem! sophiawj1406 2014-3-25 11926 houcong2003 2014-3-25 15:44
[Others] let's begin to practice yolanda3250 2013-4-18 14781 cassiaamadea 2013-12-18 11:44
[Others] Here is a cool Web site for US Patent searching ... qinzhu 2011-9-30 64193 douyuanyuan 2013-3-13 16:13
[Others] i m puzzled 黑妹牙膏 2010-4-14 78481 classyplum 2012-6-20 19:12
[Others] What's this forum for? Just practice? 善良山姆 2010-12-21 35216 shenxian 2011-1-27 01:01
[Others] i am a newbie sailor3745_cn 2010-6-11 36066 fawan80 2010-8-31 05:53
[Others] How much the Mexican oil spill will affect the local ecosystem? sailor3745_cn 2010-6-15 04304 sailor3745_cn 2010-6-15 05:02
[Others] google assures three laywers it will never use wifi data sailor3745_cn 2010-6-13 04264 sailor3745_cn 2010-6-13 23:00
[Others] who knows patent transfer company or flat in the USA? proud_cat 2010-6-2 14210 Chinature 2010-6-8 23:34
[Others] Why are there so few posts in this column? infocol 2010-4-18 34871 allen2007 2010-4-30 22:50
[Others] USPTO Registration Exam Nov. 1999- April 2003 alexanderh 2010-4-30 17616 allen2007 2010-4-30 22:47
[Others] What is the main difference between the US and China patent system? kittylhy 2009-10-22 312602 远航 2009-11-24 10:57
[Others] Seeking Buyers or Strategic Investors to Coorperate. flora721008 2009-9-3 05998 flora721008 2009-9-3 05:42
[Others] I have an invention , but what to do next? hzzj 2008-3-27 313176 dangjw 2008-4-24 16:37
[Others] Help: an oversea R&D engineer wanna join IP related business stonepiece 2007-11-25 111210 maryyan 2007-12-14 23:34
[Others] A patent attorney joke tanjie 2007-3-30 819615 poppyly 2007-8-15 22:20
[Others] A US patent forum message 2007-4-28 012503 message 2007-4-28 00:23
[Others] video: Intellectual Property in China (in English) tanjie 2007-3-29 011428 tanjie 2007-3-29 22:10
[Others] It's wonderful grace1105_1981 2006-11-20 111192 kiddyzheng 2006-11-27 06:16
[Others] so silent here kiddyzheng 2006-10-6 011021 kiddyzheng 2006-10-6 04:38
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