China Patent Forum

China Patent Forum

今日 : 0|主题 : 64 收藏本版 |订阅
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[Application] procedure of european design patent application wushaoxuan 2010-1-19 15455 国际商标专利 2010-1-20 23:01
[Others] What is the main difference between the US and China patent system? kittylhy 2009-10-22 312603 远航 2009-11-24 10:57
[News] IP Counsel Congress 2010 attachment fanny_81 2009-10-15 05527 fanny_81 2009-10-15 01:58
[Others] Seeking Buyers or Strategic Investors to Coorperate. flora721008 2009-9-3 05999 flora721008 2009-9-3 05:42
[News] Invention Pathways Seminar: Turn ideas into Money attachment janny0302 2009-5-24 06935 janny0302 2009-5-24 04:07
[News] China IP Survey 2008 8051 2008-12-18 212789 拉帕图 2009-4-1 17:45
[Application] Patent Granting Procedure in China attachment daming_chen 2008-6-3 311698 tilorier 2008-9-25 23:15
[Laws & Regulations] can anybody offer me europe patent law translated in chinese? citiy 2008-5-21 313365 whcg_2007 2008-8-12 19:48
[Others] I have an invention , but what to do next? hzzj 2008-3-27 313177 dangjw 2008-4-24 16:37
[News] Can someone post survey results for Patent/trademark firm ranking? George 2008-2-28 09942 George 2008-2-28 19:01
[Laws & Regulations] 102(b) quesition dreong 2007-11-16 110357 maryyan 2007-12-14 23:47
[Others] Help: an oversea R&D engineer wanna join IP related business stonepiece 2007-11-25 111211 maryyan 2007-12-14 23:34
[News] Chambers Commentary — Intellectual Property tanjie 2007-9-9 114155 allen2007 2007-10-21 06:30
[News] WIPO Patent Report (2007) Released tanjie 2007-8-18 012190 tanjie 2007-8-18 04:51
[Others] A patent attorney joke tanjie 2007-3-30 819615 poppyly 2007-8-15 22:20
[Application] which difference we apply the patent first in US not in China?  ...2 luohuali 2006-11-27 1227448 George 2007-6-5 17:24
[Others] A US patent forum message 2007-4-28 012504 message 2007-4-28 00:23
[Application] a website for beginner of US patent ywl981314 2007-1-27 111068 bush911 2007-3-30 21:33
[Others] video: Intellectual Property in China (in English) tanjie 2007-3-29 011429 tanjie 2007-3-29 22:10
[News] The most influential people of 2006 tanjie 2007-3-13 010648 tanjie 2007-3-13 17:50
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