[Laws & Regulations] Is there anybody know protections of agrichemicals

2006-11-20 06:07
If you know, could you tell me whether it can be protected by Customs as patents, provided that its administrative protection granted in 1993 is still effective in China.
Many thanks.
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5 个回复

马克  注册会员 | 2006-11-23 18:46:59

Re:Is there anybody know protections of agrichemicals

I really doubt if anyone here understood your question.
please make your question readable and provide us a little background first.
dolebu  新手上路 | 2006-11-25 21:49:59

Re:Is there anybody know protections of agrichemicals

Really. Few people understand that. I admire guys who are too high to be popular.[s:2]
马克  注册会员 | 2006-11-27 18:23:12

Re:Is there anybody know protections of agrichemicals

dolebu wrote:
Really. Few people understand that. I admire guys who are too high to be popular.[s:2]

oh, please, how do you know her english is so deep? maybe her sentences are too badly drafted to be understood. do not admire someone blindly.

BTW, I also believe \"high\" is more often used to describe a drug-user rather than a person who is knowledgable.
grace1105_1981  注册会员 | 2006-12-7 21:59:22

Re:Is there anybody know protections of agrichemicals

I am sorry for puzzling you guys.
I referred to the administrative protection issued by the former Chemistry Industry Ministry (CIM) regarding a special protection to agrichemicals. There were many foreign companies who were granted this protection in the year 1993. Actally, this protection is still effective at present, but the problem is the CIM was replaced by another govenment so that the enforcement of this protction is dying.
Since the Custom is authorized to protect IPRs related to export and inport, I want to know whether the agrchemical\'s protection can be protected by the Custom as well.

Is it clear?

Thanks guys.
yestak  专利审查员 | 2006-12-14 06:47:34

Re:Is there anybody know protections of agrichemicals

马克 is a good examiner ,

ha ha
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