[翻译] Normalized assignee 怎么翻译?

2011-5-25 20:12
US7906583B2 2011-03-15 Radial block copolymers and adhesives based thereon with improved die-cutting performance

Inventors: Jacques Bernard Lechat

Applicants/Assignees: The Dow Chemical Company

Normalized Assignees: EXXON MOBIL CORP
Application Number: US11932360
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6 个回复

happyforever71  注册会员 | 2011-5-25 20:13:34

Re:Normalized assignee 怎么翻译?

hgf546605  新手上路 | 2011-5-27 06:55:33

Re:Normalized assignee 怎么翻译?

mmcelery  注册会员 | 2011-6-21 23:47:14

Re:Normalized assignee 怎么翻译?

肥杰  注册会员 | 2011-6-22 18:12:11

Re:Normalized assignee 怎么翻译?

Normalized Assignees: EXXON MOBIL CORP



heiyidian  注册会员 | 2011-6-22 18:18:15

Re:Normalized assignee 怎么翻译?

This field contains the normalized name of the patent applicant. The normalized assignee name is a modified assignee name for preventing confusion caused by different expressions for one company name. For example, a company of patents\' applicant can be written in many different ways - Company, Limited, Co., Ltd, or Company, etc., and the assignee name field may even contain misspellings. The normalized assignee name is a representative of these various notations and is free from typos.
This field is available only for US patent data and is not applicable for individual assignees.
伊路  中级会员 | 2011-6-22 21:09:24

Re:Normalized assignee 怎么翻译?

heiyidian wrote:
This field contains the normalized name of the patent applicant. The normalized assignee name is a modified assignee name for preventing confusion caused by different expressions for one company name. For example, a company of patents\' applicant can be written in many different ways - Company, Limited, Co., Ltd, or Company, etc., and the assignee name field may even contain misspellings. The normalized assignee name is a representative of these various notations and is free from typos.
This field is available only for US patent data and is not applicable for individual assignees.

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